📍 it seems like the US government is hell, bent.

on just destroying the entirety of crypto and let’s be honest here, that’s, that’s exactly what they’re doing.

 First and foremost by no ones to double the capital gains tax in the us. That is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard off.

 In Hong Kong, we have zero like zero capital gains because encourages people to invest their money.

 This is the funniest one yet. Doesn’t. Let’s wait for it. He’s proposing a 30% tax on crypto mining, electricity usage.

  📍 The thing with mining is that. mining can be done anywhere in the world.

  📍 It’s the whole part of cryptocurrencies is that anyone can mine and anywhere in the world. So by imposing a 30% tax on crypto 📍 electricity usage. Then that’s directly incentivizing minus just to get the hell out of the U S.

  📍 📍 that’s some next-level stupidity right there…..

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I’m not a professional financial adviser and you should always do your own research. I may hold the cryptocurrencies talked about in the video.
