Bitcoin Ordinals are having a huge effect on BTC block sizes and BTC mining profitability. Over 200,000 NFTs were minted on the Bitcoin blockchain last month which created $1.35M in transaction fees on chain. Grab the best mining rig here –

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Bitcoin (BTC) Ordinals are NFTs on the Bitcoin blockchain. BTC has been boring for years so it’s been exciting seeing the hype Ordinals has brought to the chain. However, not everyone agrees, including the devs. Until now, bitcoin block sizes and activity was pretty stagnant, but now block sizes have doubled and transaction fees have increased, increasing bitcoin miner profitability. This is all controversial and it’s early. In today’s video we’ll talk about how Ordinals have effected bitcoin mining profitability, how to mint an NFT with Bitcoin, and more!

Tails is an NFT!
BTC Ordinals Could Make or Break BTC –
What BTC Miners Need to Know About Ordinals –
What are Ordinals? –
Bitcoin Block Size Chart –
Bitcoin Average Block Size –
Miners made nearly $600k from Ordinals –

00:00 Ordinals are having a huge impact on BTC profitability
01:29 Ordinals give $1.35M to BTC transaction fees in February
02:20 Bitcoin Average Block Size is near its limits!
04:25 Ordinals are making transactions more expensive
05:15 How can you create an Ordinal?
07:51 My thoughts on Ordinals
10:13 Thoughts on the market and crypto in general

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